Source code for murphy.classification.sentiments

import math
from typing import Dict

import nltk
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
from textblob import TextBlob

Author: v2thegreat
Libraries Used:
 - TextBlob
 - Flair (Depreciated due to dependency issues)

[docs]class Sentiments: __instance__ = None def __init__(self): if Sentiments.__instance__ is None: Sentiments.__instance__ = self'vader_lexicon', quiet=True) self.NLTK_SENTIMENT_INTENSITY_ANALYZER = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() # Depreciated due to dependency issues # self.flair_sentiment = flair.models.TextClassifier.load('en-sentiment') else: raise RuntimeError(f"Singleton {self.__class__.__name__} class is created more than once!") @staticmethod def _get_instance(): """ Returns a singleton instance of this Sentiments class """ if not Sentiments.__instance__: Sentiments() return Sentiments.__instance__
[docs] @staticmethod def sentiment_analysis_nltk(text: str) -> float: """ Run sentiment analysis using the library NLTK. Runs default sentiment on vader lexicon Works based on bag of words and positive and negative word lookups :param text: text to be analyzed :return: sentiment compound for given text """ if not text: return math.nan return Sentiments._get_instance().NLTK_SENTIMENT_INTENSITY_ANALYZER.polarity_scores(text=text)['compound']
[docs] @staticmethod def sentiment_analysis_textblob(text: str) -> float: """ Run sentiment analysis using the library textblob. Returns default sentiment Works similar to NLTK's sentiment analysis, but includes subjectivity analysis :param text: text to be analyzed :return: sentiment for given text """ if not text: return math.nan return TextBlob(text=text).sentiment.polarity
_sentiment_function_mapping = { 'nltk': sentiment_analysis_nltk.__func__, 'textblob': sentiment_analysis_textblob.__func__ }
[docs] @classmethod def multiple_sentiment_analysis(cls, text: str) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Returns the sentiment using all implemented models as a dictionary :param text: text to run sentiment analysis on :return: key pair values of name of the sentiment function and their estimations """ return {sentiment: sentiment_function(text) for sentiment, sentiment_function in cls._sentiment_function_mapping.items()}
if __name__ == "__main__": pass